On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 2:50 PM Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there some reason it should default
> to doing unlimited depth fetch operations?

If all you want is a repo, no reason to set the depth higher.  If you
want to see the history then you'll want it all.

However, once you have an initial sync, I don't think it should go
back and fetch all the history unless you explicitly ask git to do so.
I don't see why this would cause issues after the initial sync.  If
you were fetching all the history, it would be the FIRST sync that
caused all the issues.  Well, unless portage is going out and trying
to pull it all in (and if so I'd think it would have done it from the

Once you have the full repo then subsequent syncs should be very fast
and don't use much CPU server-side.  The git client sends the remote
server its current head, and then the server walks back from its head
until it finds yours, which will only be a short distance if you've
synced recently.  Then it is only the new objects in-between that have
to be sent.  The whole thing is de-duplicated and copy-on-write just
due to its data structure.

I'm suspecting some sort of server-side issue - maybe an intermittent
one.  Either that or portage is really trying to pull in that history
after the initial sync.

Another option is to do a pull from the github mirror.  That same repo
is hosted on both gentoo's server and github, and they're identical
(the content hash tells you as much), so you should be able to do a
pull from either seamlessly.  The signatures/etc are applied to both
as well.  Some don't care for github not being FOSS but if you're just
using it as a mirror I'd argue it is no different than if one of the
gazillion distfile mirrors happened to run IIS or have a firmware that
wasn't coreboot.  It is just another mirror.


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