On Thu, 23 Dec 2021 08:57:07 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:

> >> Now emerging! I shall have to play with it, but it looks just what
> >> the doctor ordered. I *believe* a ts contains an mpeg2 ... let's
> >> hope!  
> > 
> > AFAIR recall a .ts (Transport Stream) file is intended for broadcast
> > and so contains more redundant information to allow for unreliable
> > transmission - MythTV records .ts files. Converting for MPEG without
> > reencoding gives the same video but in a smaller file.
> >   
> Quite likely. But if I want to replay it on the same tv (and don't want 
> to spend hours recoding), it seems like the best solution - that works
> - is to leave it as it is.

I've found most TVs I've tried accept a decent variety of formats. If you
are loading a .ts and saving a .m4 without reencoding, you are only
changing the container, which is really fast. Along the way, you may drop
some of the redundant, duplicated data that is only needed for OTA
> Video is enough of a maze of twisty little passages as it is, i don't 
> want to get lost again ... :-)

Indeed it is, but if it is not necessary to save as a .ts, you open up
more possibilities of finding software that fits your needs and is easy to

Neil Bothwick

Be regular. Eat cron flakes.

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