On Tuesday 01 November 2005 04:58 pm, C. Beamer wrote:

> A better description would have been that the restore worked.  However,
> the only database that was restored was the test database.  The database
> that I had created by creating a directory that was named after the
> database that I had created when using FC4 and then copying my database
> related files into it, did not back up.  Hence my assumption that
> because the database was *not* created in MySQL under Gentoo, perhaps
> this was the reason that the backup did not "pick up" (for lack of a
> better description) this database.

How were you backing/restoring it from, if you were not using mysqldump then? 
I have done the above several times, and its always backed it up. 

Trying to figure out what went wrong here..


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