On 29/07/2023 12:01, Peter Humphrey wrote:
Hm. I already have Dovecot on my LAN server, because KMail is horribly buggy
with POP3, which is what my ISP offers. So fetchmail -> postfix -> dovecot
became necessary before I could use IMAP4 in KMail.

All incoming emails are transferred to my workstation because I like to have
everything in one place and one backup.

Maybe I'll stick with KMail a bit longer...

Well then, install Claws and try it - just point it at Dovecot. Okay, I use Thunderbird, but there's no reason I have to - I run about 4 different instances of TB, all pointing at my Dovecot server, and all mail is visible on all my computers - the server/workstation, my old laptop, my new laptop, my wife's laptop when I borrow it, ...


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