On November 08 at 18:49 EST, b.n. hastily scribbled:
> Jose Gonzalez Gomez wrote:
>> 2005/11/8, b.n. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> 3. Creation of slideshows from photographs. I would like to be able to
>>>> select some or all of the photographs, maybe add some opening or
>>>> closing title, extract headers or footers from EXIF information, edit
>>>> transition between photos, add music to the slideshow, adjust the
>>>> duration of photos and transition to fit the music, and export a video
>>>> in a suitable format to be included in VCD, SVCD or DVD.
>>> I have no idea... but looks like the most horrible kitschy bad-taste
>>> thing I ever heard, so I refuse to give you advices about such an horror 
>>> :-)
>> Maybe, but you can make really happy your mother-in-law if you prepare
>> a few of those slideshows containing photos of her grandchildren. If
>> you finally author an easy to use SVCD menu, burn it on a printable
>> surface CD, and print a photo of them in the surface, you become her
>> favorite son-in-law... believe me, tested and proven ;o)
> Ahaha, OK, you're forgiven :-P
> (Sorry if I looked rude, but I couldn't control myself in front of such 
> a description...)

Yeah... it sounded like a description of a bad PowerPoint presentation.


Good to see you're using it for something tasteful and not to annoy

Thomas Tuttle
A List Apart: For people who make websites. (www.alistapart.com)
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