thanks Iain, Winston and Willie for all your help. I was looking specifically for the coreutils package and did not know where to find it.  
Iain, i run gentoo so i do have the patched versions of what i need, thanks.
But from you've said Im just curious to know if patched versions of the coreutils package will be available for download directly form the mirrors of distros like debian, slackware, ubuntu, suse   Fedora's mirror had  coreutils-5.2.1-48.1.x86_64.rpm but im not sure if thats patched. 
On 1/13/06, Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 23:40 -0600, Raj Swaminathan wrote:

> Can anybody tell me where i can obtain open source code for gentoo.

If you're _running_ Gentoo it's easy, as you have to download most of
the source code to install it.  However, given that you're doing this to
lots of distro's, I assume you're not installing each distro...

>  Im particularly looking for code for programs in /bin and /sbin.

Ah, quite a lot of programs install things into /bin.  Do you mean just
the "base" set of programs?  then there's not much in there at all.
They're probably all in 'coreutils' or 'baselayout' (no doubt others
will give you more package names)

> I am on a project to find out how different distros implement a few of
> these programs. So far i have only been lucky with OpenSolaris and
> FreeBSD.

You should have luck with gentoo, as every gentoo mirror should carry
the source code.  Go to http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors.xml to
find mirrors, and then navigate to your.mirror/gentoo/distfiles where
you will find the source code (pretty much anything in there that
doesn't have a -bin in the name is source code for something :)

for example, coreutils-5.3.0.tar.bz2 or baselayout-1.12.0_pre10.tar.bz2

However: gentoo does it slightly differently:  Instead of downloading
the patched source code, as you would in, say, fedora, gentoo downloads
the original untouched source from the program's site, and applies
"gentoo" patches.

To find out the patches, without running gentoo becomes a little
trickier.  I'd personally download a "portage snapshot":
your.mirror/gentoo/snapshots/portage-20060112.tar.bz2 (~20Mb), then look
at the directories in there:


In each directory you will see a list of *.ebuild files, which are the
"rules" for building this package.

If you get this far and want me to keep going about ebuilds, just post
back to the list.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

The best way to make a fire with two sticks is to make sure one of them
is a match.
               -- Will Rogers

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