On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 15:04 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> yes, but you should be able to specify a + OR - for the x and y offset
> as well:
> -geometry WxH+Xoffs+Yoffs where
> W: width
> H: height
> Xoffs: x offset*
> Yoffs: y offset*
> * x is relative to the left screen edge, if positive, and relative to
> right screen edge if negative.
> * y is relative to the top screen edge, if positive, and relative to the
> bottom screen edge, if negative.

I'm running KDE 3.4.3 and got the following results

$ konsole -geometry -0+0 (window placed in upper right)
$ konsole -geometry +0+0 (window placed in upper left)
$ konsole -geometry +0-0 (window placed in upper left) **not correct**
$ konsole -geometry -0-0 (window placed in lower right)

However all of the following worked correctly: (666x402 corresonds to an
80x24 konsole with my default font)

$ konsole -geometry 666x402-0+0 (upper right)
$ konsole -geometry 666x402+0+0 (upper left)
$ konsole -geometry 666x402+0-0 (lower left)
$ konsole -geometry 666x402-0-0 (lower right)

With the exception of +0-0, I was able to get consistent results. This
probably doesn't help you significantly, but it does indicate that there
is some bugginess with -geometry and konsole and that it isn't just your

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