Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

Check out the flash players from iRiver. They play ogg, mp3, and wav, and with the proper firmware are accessible as a USB device. The headphones that come with them are a little bit uncomfortable, but good enough quality that I could tell the difference between ~140k ogg and ~90k ogg. (I always use VBR, so those are average rates.)

They seem to have discontinued ogg support on their HD based players, so be careful that the flash player you purchase does support ogg.

Thanks! I have a mp3/wmv only flash player I received as a gift but I'd like to upgrade it with a 1-gb thing ogg-capable, if possible.
I'll look at iRiver.

Also, files can be deleted and loaded from linux even with the stock firmware.

I'm a bit confused.
Is the flash player recognized as a simple usb flash drive or what?


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