On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 06:21:26PM -0500, Penguin Lover Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. 
> U sys-process/at [GPL-2]: Queues jobs for later execution
> Possibly?
> I also have the man pages but not the app.  I wonder why they are in 
> separate packages.
That is bizarre. I have the program installed, and it does provide its
own man page:
 [07:38 PM]wwong man1 $ equery belongs at.1.gz 
 [ Searching for file(s) at.1.gz in *... ]
 sys-process/at-3.1.8-r11 (/usr/share/man/man1/at.1.gz)
But, on the other hand
 [07:40 PM]wwong man $ equery belongs man1p/at.1p.gz
 [ Searching for file(s) man1p/at.1p.gz in *... ]
 sys-apps/man-pages-2.28 (/usr/share/man/man1p/at.1p.gz)

'man 1 at' and 'man 1p at' does also provide rather different
contents. The manpage suggest that the latter (belonging to the
man-pages package) is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. 

"Fortunately, this is where we stop, for the equations of motion are 2nd order. 
If it were 5th order you'd all probably switch to biology."
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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