Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
On Sunday 25 June 2006 02:06, Mick wrote:
[nomerge      ] net-ftp/kftpgrabber-0.6.0  USE="arts -debug -xinerama"
[nomerge      ]  kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.2-r6  USE="acl alsa arts cups
spell ssl tiff -debug -doc -jpeg2k -kdeenablefinal
-kdehiddenvisibility -kerberos -legacyssl -openexr -xinerama
[nomerge      ]   net-dns/libidn-0.5.15  USE="nls -doc -emacs -java"
[ebuild  N    ]    dev-java/java-config-1.2.11-r1  15 kB

This tells you that kftpgrabber depends on kdelibs which depends on libidn which depends on java-config. All of those are mandatory dependencies so there is not much you can do about it unless you are willing to look into development... But java-config is not java so it shouldn't be a big deal either.

On the other hand, he has set USE=-java for libidn (at least), so
why is it pulling in java-config? It doesn't make much sense, does
it? In the libidn ebuild, I find:

inherit java-pkg

And that's what pulling in java-config. Is there a way to wrap the
inherit around some "if" statements, so that "inherit java-pkg" is
only "executed" when "java" is set?

Alexander Skwar
It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to educate his father.
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