On Saturday 02 September 2006 08:06, sdoma wrote:

> Why not set up your camera to act as a USB disk?
> I do it this way and use the very special tools like ``mount'', ``ls''
> and ``cp'' ;o)))))))))))))

I second this.  Just set something like:
/dev/sda   /mnt/sda    auto,vfat,msdos noauto,user,noatime     0 0
/dev/sda1  /mnt/sda1   auto,vfat,msdos noauto,user,noatime     0 0
depending on what your camera's flash memory is recognised as (look in your 
dmesg output when you plug it in) and then use ls, or your file manager to 
look at and manipulate its contents.  If you have hald it should be picked up 
automatically without you having to create the /mnt/sda directory or manually 
mount/umount the device. 


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