Kevin Fullerton wrote:
> Here's the procmail recipe I use with maildir folders and the Gentoo lists - 
> I think as long as procmail is setup with maildir support you just need to 
> set your MAILDIR var and use a trailing slash and it knows it'd delivering to 
> a MailDir.
Ahhhh, I guess I hadn't been as clear as I could have been. I have an
almost identical setup to yours right now and that allows me to use
procmail to deliver to maildir...  The problem I have is that I want to
use formail to split my digests into individual messages (because large
digests play havoc with IMAP, and to make replies easier) - but I can
only find documentation showing how to use formail to split digests into
mbox format.  Unsurprisingly the silly attempt below doesn't work (as "|
formail..." is interpreted by /bin/sh.) :

* ^List-Id:.*<>
| formail +1 -ds >> gentoo_user/


Is formail the right tool for me to use here?  Is there a tool to
deliver an mbox of messages to a maildir that I can use in place of '>>
gentoo_user/' above?

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