on 02/26/2007 12:29 AM Agg wrote the following:
> on 02/25/2007 11:50 PM Dale wrote the following:
>> Agg wrote:
>>> on 02/25/2007 11:12 PM Dale wrote the following:
>>>> Agg wrote:
>>>>> on 02/24/2007 07:51 PM Mantas Povilaitis wrote the following:
>>>>>> It seems some people just cant miss an opportunity to flame and whine
>>>>>> about "spam" (and it wasted like 5 s of my oh so important life OMG,
>>>>>> OMFG!!!) and write pseudo-humorous juvenile nonsenses. OP at least
>>>>>> wrote something meaningful while all other of you "Responsible mailing
>>>>>> list users writing every little topic into its little proper mailing
>>>>>> list" just continue writing total nonsenses.
>>>>> All those that replied wouldn't reply if it were an actual "spam".
>>>>> An off-topic is not necessarily spam. And that's exactly the specific 
>>>>> case.
>>>> Then exactly what does this have to do with Gentoo, Linux or even a
>>>> computer?
>>> *Nothing*. It was written on the subject: *off-topic*:...
>> OK then.  I'm going to start selling Viagra.  I'll just put off-topic in
>> the subject line and it will be OK.  ;-)
>> Doesn't make sense to you either now huh?
> You don't have to look at the contents of a post that you think is spam.
> But in the specific dolphin massacre case, those that look at it's
> contents, will see that it is *not* about viagra or the like, and so, in
> that case it's just off-topic.

Let me add though, that in your case, not having looked at it, will
always remain spam. Simple as that.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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