Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 21:47:40 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> OK.  Here's my update.  I changed the config file, the 50-udev.rules
>> file, back to the way it was when it was updated.
> The next time you update udev, your changes will be overwritten. Changes
> should go in 10-local.rules.

Thanks.  I forgot about that little detail.  I better find a how to

>> I then added myself
>> to the uucp group and rebooted.  Well, my UPS didn't like that one bit. 
>> So I added nut to the uucp group too.  Then I rebooted again. 
>> Everything *appears* to be working fine.  Sorry for all the rebooting
>> but they are serial ports. 
> If your serial port driver is built as a module, you can avoid the reboot
> by rmmodding and modprobing the driver. The second reboot was unnecessary
> anyway, restarting nut should have picked up the group changes.

The only module I have is nvidia.  I build everything into my kernel
that I can.  I was hoping there was a way to sort of "restart" or
"reload" udev but I couldn't find one and nobody posted one either.  I
guess there is now two reasons you may have to reboot.

So far, it is working fine though.



:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)


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