Mick said the following:
> I downloaded, unpacked and ran it like so:
> =================================
>  $ ./Calendar.py
> Do you want to (r)egister this desklet or to (t)est it? yes
> Registered. Run 'adesklets' to (re)start your desklets.
> Look at 'adesklets --help' for special options.
> Terminated
> =================================
> Then I ran adesklets, but nothing showed up on my desktop (fluxbox).  What 
> should I do now?
I'm not quite sure why it's not showing up, but here's a few things to try:

check to see if adesklets is running:
$ ps x | grep adesklets

for me, this shows:
8377 pts/9    S      0:00 adesklets
8378 pts/9    S      0:00 adesklets /home/.../.desklets/yab-0.0.2/yab.py
8381 pts/9    S      0:00 adesklets
8629 pts/8    S+    0:00 grep --colour=auto adesklets

(I have installed each of my desklets into a subdirectory of ~/.desklets)

if adesklets is not running, it probably crashed when it tried to load
the Calendar desklet.  This usually happens as a result of a syntax
error in the config.txt file for the applet, or if there is a python
library the applet wants to use, but can't find.

To get a bit of debug information, try running ./Calendar.py again, but
answering "t" when it asks if you want to register or test.

(hopefully this will point you in the right direction)
If it complains about not being able to find a file, it may be that you
need to emerge a python module that the applet is counting on.

As a side note, if you haven't already enabled the "ctrlmenu" use flag
for adesklets, I recommend it, since it makes right clicking on the
desktop work properly in fluxbox, while still being able to access the
desklet's menu by ctrl-right-clicking on the applet.

Good luck :)
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