On 2007-05-21, Hans-Werner Hilse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, the usual way to use remote X-based programs is just to let
> SSH do that. It can provide a tunnel for X. This is especially easy if
> the remote SSH server daemon has set its "X11Forwarding" configuration
> setting set to "yes" (otherwise, it is really a bit harder and not
> suggested). Then, you just would connect using "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
> that's it, SSH will care for creating a socket on the remote machine
> and set the DISPLAY variable accordingly.

NB: I've found that using -Y instead of -X can speed up some
    applications by a factor of 50 or more.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Is it NOUVELLE
                                  at               CUISINE when 3 olives are
                               visi.com            struggling with a scallop
                                                   in a plate of SAUCE MORNAY?

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