On Wednesday 19 September 2007, Grant wrote:

> I recognize everything in 'ps -ef' I think, but I've never really used
> netstat before.  Under "Active Internet connections" I don't
> recognize:
> tcp localhost:10030
> tcp *:snpp

Hmm, are you running postfix on this server (just a suspicion).

Also, snpp is for pagers: 

Run # netstat -anop which will show you the process owner.  Hopefully, if 
there is something running it will show up (clever scripts can mask 
themselves from netstat, ps auxf, etc.).

Then run lsof (check man lsof) to see if there is anything suspicious there, 
like another user logged in either as root or with a different name.  

Finally, ask your ISP to boot off a LiveCD and scan the machine with rkhunter 
and chrootkit.

Depending on how many thousands of tickets the database had the crackers may 
or may have not found out about your root passwd.  On the other hand, if you 
can't sleep at nights it is better to format and reinstall.


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