Dan Farrell writes:

> Alex Schuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I want to harden the gentoo running on my little server, but I'm a
> > little worried about possible problems. Like, services not coming up
> > when rebooting after an emerge -e world. Do you see any possibility
> > for that?
> Absolutely.  These problems can be overcome with a little attention,
> but outdated config files that were not updated with dispatch-conf or
> etc-update might not work with newer versions of software.

Sure. But the system is up to date, emerge -uN world gives nothing. It's 
only the re-compiling of everything with a hardened gcc that worries me a 
little. If something might go wrong there, I would wait with re-compiling 
until I know I have physical access to the machine for a while, while 
most of the time I am away some 100 km from it.

I must admit that I should know more about the hardened stuff, but I 
thought I'd start with the preparations. Configuring things like Pax 
would come later, when emerge -e world has finished on this slow machine 
(and when I have read all the howtos).

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