Alan McKinnon wrote:
On Monday 18 February 2008, Dale wrote:
So even the qt3 that I have installed is masked.  What's going on?  I
have and plan to keep KDE 3.5.8 around for a while so I assume it
needs qt3 but yet KDE 4.0 needs qt4 if I understand correctly.
 What's the best thing to do here?

Well, it's not all masked in the tree:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ eix -e qt
[I] x11-libs/qt
     Available versions:
        (3)     3.3.4-r8 3.3.8-r4
        (4)     4.3.1-r1 4.3.2 4.3.2-r1 (~)4.3.3 [M](~)4.4.0_rc1

You've been using autounmask lately? Maybe that screwed it up. Or maybe you did, especially aas you just confessed in public to being an idiot :-)

Check the contents of /etc/portage/package.mask/*

Actually, I hadn't used autounmask, yet. I was trying not to use it actually. When I ran autounmask, it fixed it. I got a couple blocks to deal with but after autounmask did it's thing, it seems a lot happier now. I had tried the keyword and unmask file off the Gentoo howto but I guess it needs a little update or something. Oh, I keep back-ups of my /etc directory and even a couple old copies of keyword/unmask/mask files, just in case I do something silly.

Yea, I sometimes do things that makes me feel like a idiot. Don't we all tho??


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