On Tuesday 19 February 2008, Dale wrote:
> Actually, I hadn't used autounmask, yet.  I was trying not to use it
> actually.  When I ran autounmask, it fixed it.  I got a couple blocks
> to deal with but after autounmask did it's thing, it seems a lot
> happier now.  I had tried the keyword and unmask file off the Gentoo
> howto but I guess it needs a little update or something.

So it's sorted now then?

> Oh, I keep back-ups of my /etc directory and even a couple old copies
> of keyword/unmask/mask files, just in case I do something silly.

Good man :-)

> Yea, I sometimes do things that makes me feel like a idiot.  Don't we
> all tho??

Yes, sadly, we all do that. Much too often in fact. There's even a name 
for it:

"school fees"

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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