On 26 Feb 2008, at 19:51, Stroller wrote:

Thanks. I think this has been suggested before for my backups - IIRC it has a useful --ignore-path or --exclude-path command which can insure you all the users' Documents & Settings, without the useless temp & "Temporary Internet Files".

rsync has excellent control over what is copied via the include and exclude options.

I've just tried `rsync- vrchi` on a pair of subdirectories ("My Documents") of the backup I made last week and on those it seems run in acceptable time. I got little output, however, so have deleted a couple of files from the destination (I should perhaps write some random data to another) and am running it again in anticipation of some "copying /a/b/c/file /x/y/z/file" output.

When I run rsync interactively i usually add --stats and --progress to the command. Those will give you more feedback.

I appreciate your help,

Least I could do, and if I hadn't mentioned it I am sure someone else would have. This is a gentoo list ;-)
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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