On Wednesday 05 March 2008, Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:
> Hello, i have heard several rumors of the future of Gentoo being
> uncertain (Gentoo will dissapear, support will stop, etc...). I
> wanted to ask you if heard such rumors and why do you think these
> rumors go around.
> All this begun i found out there would be a debate in the place i
> work to decide wich distro will be used on a new server... Debian or
> Gentoo, of course i stood up for Gentoo B-)

Please please please please PLEASE!!!!

Let's all drop this thread right now. It flares up every few months and 
always goes the same way - becoming a flame war after post #3. Just a 
few weeks ago the last one finally died down.

Gentoo is not dying. The definitive proof is that Netcraft has not 
confirmed it yet. If you don't get that joke then get yourself a 
SlashDot subscription :-)

These rumours start the same way every other rumour the homo-sapiens has 
come up with starts - someone says something, someone else gets all 
riled up and retorts. Someone else accepts this as fact and repeats it 
without doing any research at all, and before you know it....

So please, think twice before hitting that reply button.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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