On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 19:30:22 -0300
"Rafael Barrera Oro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I figure how a person that use gentoo can question these things...
> > So I figure if any of the persons who open this kind of threads are really
> > using
> > Gentoo for anything else than installing it to be cooler.
> >
> > No offense intended. As I said, this just gets boring after 1000 posts
> > telling
> > the same. It kind of seems like spam to me.
>    Non taken, im still as uncool as i was before installing Gentoo, i do
> think though that if you consider it spam you are free to delete it or block
> my address. On the other hand i found your replies very encouraging, i am
> truly sorry if i bore someone to death but i just had to ask you guys.

No problem. It's just me :P

My problem with these kind of questions if that I sometimes go mad when I see
them continuously arising every few days over and over during 4 or 5 years
(you see, the longest dead ever).

Be sure that I will not mark your mail address to be sent to the waste bin or
something like that just because of this. I only wanted to translate how a
person that sees this regularly feels from time to time. As I say, I usually
don't get into these threads. But, hey, we all are human... sometimes :P

> I'll try to inform myself better before opening a thread in the future

That's the only thing my post wanted to achieve.

Regards :)
Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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