Well now...

I've install Gentoo Linux couple times with O3 optimize flag and there is 
nothing with it. I can try but I don't think that makes this error. GLX is 
needed by me because OpenGL programming and UT2004 playing :);). Compose is 
available by KDE3 and 4.0 build inside by desktop effects. I install KDE4 
because it compiles faster than KDE4 on my laptop and shows (because of cmake) 
progress of compilation ;)... like when you must shutdown laptop when work time 
is up and You need to go home ;)... Compiz-fussion I already use under old PC 
with NV FX5500 on board, but on Laptop I don't touch that - intel cards don't 
have much power as NV - even 965GM chip on board.

Maybee I should remove all fonts and reinstall it?!

Mateusz M.

> > CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona
> > -mtune=nocona"
> > CXXFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona
> > -mtune=nocona"
> Recompile your entire system with -O2, and see if the problem 
> persists.  If it persists, show the full output of emerge --info.  
> By the way, -march implies -mtune, so you can drop the latter.
> > Here is GLXINFO:
> Why is glxinfo relevant?  Are you trying to use this new-fangled 
> compiz stuff?  How about switching that off and see how it goes?  
> And show us your xorg.conf.
> Why are you already using KDE-4 when it is still hard masked?  You 
> seem to be asking for trouble.
> Benno
> -- 
> gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list
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