On Friday 14 March 2008, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Vladimir Rusinov wrote:

> > Just add opengl to your use flags and `emerge -v1 =x11-libs/qt-3*`
> > Then, you'll probably need `emerge --update --deep --newuse
> > kde-meta` (or emerge -uDN kde-meta)
> You aren't understanding me.  I am fully aware of qt versions 3 and
> 4, and if I was gbuilding them on my own, this wouldn't be a problem,
> but I am trying to use the portage system, and there isnt'any such
> emerge package named like this, at least, none I can find, none
> 'emerge -s qt-3*' could find either.  If you could identify for me
> what the heck the real package name is, I would gladly rebuild it. 
> I'm  not having trouble with the command line, I'm having trouble
> finding the cirrect thing to rebuild.

qt is SLOTted, I think you are simply using the wrong syntax. Using my 
machine as an example (you should also emerge eix, it's so much easier 
and quicker than emerge -s):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/bin $ eix -e qt
[I] x11-libs/qt
     Available versions:
        (3)     3.3.4-r8 3.3.8-r4
        (4)     4.3.2-r1 (~)4.3.3 (~)4.3.4 [M](~)4.4.0_beta1

The SLOTs are "3" and "4"

If I try to update qt, portage will update qt4 as it's the latest 
version. I would have to do something like 

emerge =qt-3.3.8-r4
or the newish syntax incorporating SLOTs
emerge qt:3

You were essentially trying to tell portage to update a package 
called "qt-3", there is no such package. And getting to grips with 
emerge's version number syntax can be a bitch

Does this answer your query?

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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