> Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2008, 00:57 -0400 schrieb ext Richard Marzan:
> > I had a circular dep problem with mktemp and coreutils and emerge -C'd
> > coreutils. Now I can't do anything significant just cd. how can i repair
> > this?
> Not tested: Boot a Gentoo LiveCD, create a coreutils binary package with
> quickpkg, mount your root fs, set ROOT environment variable to that
> mount point, install the binary package into your system.

Tested :-( :
Get 2008.0.beta1 Cd (K3B & ftp work on such a crippled system).
Boot on it. Mount system's / and /usr partitions and cp from CD's /bin and
/usr/bin to their equivalent on mounted partitions the following missig cmd:

basename, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, cp, cut, date, dd, df, dirname, du,
echo, env, expr, false, groups, head, hostname, kill, ln, ls, mkdir, mkfifo,
mknod, mv, pwd, rm, rmdir, seq, sleep, sort, stat, stty, su, sync, tail, tr,
true, wc, yes on /mnt/gentoo/bin.

cksum, comm, csplit, dirclors, expand, factor, fmt, fold, fs, hostid, id,
install, join, link, logname, md5sum, nice, nl, nohup, od, pasteshred, shuf,
split, sum, tac, tee, test, tsort, uniq, unlink, uptime, users, whoami, who on

Once done, reboot on the original system and you're back on business!
first thing to do :
emerge coreutils

This process at least worked for me on my amd64 system.
1- the list of cmd show why unmerging coreutils makes a mess
2- I'm not sure all above cmds are needed to emerge and compile. But I
considered faster to copy them all than iterating the boot-on-CD boot-on-system

Have a great time!
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