On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 10:22:51 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:

> Where I get frustrated/ticked off/mad is when some independent
> developer, or group of developers, simply decides to remove code on
> **MY** machine and force me to make updates without giving me *ANY**
> opportunity to make a choice.

But they do, as long as you don't leave an unreasonably long time between
syncs. emerge --sync warns you when your profile has been deprecated.
Your problem is that the delay between syncs was such that you skipped
the whole warning period, which should be a LONG time.

> I get that the leading-edge developer/gamer mentality cannot get their
> heads around having machines run for long, long periods of time -
> years - but these machines do.

Running a machine for a long time is fine, running it without checking
for security updates is not. What's wrong with a weekly cron job that
runs emerge --sync and glsa-check and emails you the results?

Neil Bothwick

"Windows didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years
of careful development."

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