Dan Johansson <Dan.Johansson <at> dmj.nu> writes:

> I have bought me a new toy - an Openmoko Freerunner.

Hello Dan,

The gentoo embedded linux group is doing quite a lot of work on openmoko
and many other pda's:

Here's a little diddy from Angelo Miguel Arrifano

Me and Ned Ludd are working on a embedded overlay mostly for PDAs.
The overlay is located here:
The overlay includes some fixed ebuilds for cross-compiling base
dependencies. There is also a GPE tree there that should be emergeable.
More recently, we started to work on openmoko ebuilds. It's not finished

We also provide binary packages for ARMV5TE-JL here:

I not sure you are interested in putting embedded gentoo on 
your openmoko, but you should be aware that folks are working
on these sorts of goodies, for the gentoo community.



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