2008/9/23 Paul Hartman

> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Roy Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Howdy,
> >
> > Trying to switch from kde-portage to kde-testing overlays did not
> > progress well.  What I'd like to do to recover is unmerge all the kde
> > 4.1 stuff and start over.  Does anyone know a simple way (maybe a
> > script) to do this?  As far as I'm concerned, I'd really like to unmerge
> > everything installed from the overlay.
> Unmerge the packages you specifically merged (kde-meta:4.1 perhaps;
> whichever packages are in your world file) then run depclean. That's
> how I do it.
> Paul
cd to the kdesvn overlay in every category and emerge --unmerge *, then
cleanup your portage configuration files.. You can always make sure all is
fine by running depclean and then revdep-rebuild...

En el pasado creímos que se nos acababa
el petróleo, pero en realidad lo que se nos
acababan eran las IDEAS.
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Sebastian Magrí (sebasmagri) <sebasmagri_at_gmail_dot_com>

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