On Monday 06 October 2008 04:07:27 pm b.n. wrote:
> Roy Wright ha scritto:
> > Neil Bothwick wrote:
> >> On Sun, 05 Oct 2008 20:08:23 +0200, b.n. wrote:
> >>> Could you share your relevant package.mask and package.keywords, for
> >>> the laziest of us? :)
> >>
> >> emerge autounmask
> >> autounmask kde-meta
> >
> > On my ~x86, I had to add:
> >
> > ~app-misc/strigi-0.5.11
> >
> > to etc/portage/package.unmask/autounmask-kde-meta to resolve a blocking
> > issue between strigi-0.5.10 and strigi-0.5.11
> >
> > app-misc/strigi:0
> >
> >   ('installed', '/', 'app-misc/strigi-0.5.11', 'nomerge') pulled in by
> >     ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/libplasma-4.1.2', 'merge')
> >
> >   ('ebuild', '/', 'app-misc/strigi-0.5.10', 'merge') pulled in by
> >     ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves-4.1.2', 'merge')
> >     ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/nepomuk-4.1.2', 'merge')
> >     ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-4.1.2',
> > 'merge') (and 4 more)
> >
> >
> > BTW, I also changed all of the '=' to '~' to catch any future revs...
> A bit of a stupid question but I want to be double-sure:
> -KDE 4 and KDE 3 can happily live together, isn't it?
> -Do I need to backup config files/use KDE 4 as another user if I want to
> switch between KDE 4 and KDE 3?
> -Anything else to worry about?
> Thanks!
> m.

I have both kde-3.5.10 and kde-4.1.2 and there are a couple of small 
incompatibilities... and that's why they are still masked. If I recall 
right... I had to upgrade to the latest ~x86 portage and then I had to iron 
out kopete for both versions of kde... No show stoppers, but there are a few 
issues you'll have to iron out.

Sorry, I made no notes... but in my MOST HUMBLE opinion... there's no reason 
to not to try kde-4.1.2.


                             From the desk of:
                             Jerome D. McBride
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