Iain Buchanan wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
void shameless_plug()
     One of the reasons I love Gentoo is
     because it allowed me to recompile all
     apps without ALSA support and use OSS
     (version 4) instead which for me worked
     much, much better than ALSA.

g++     plug.cpp   -o plug
plug.cpp: In function 'void shameless_plug()':
plug.cpp:4: error: 'One' was not declared in this scope
plug.cpp:4: error: expected `;' before 'of'
make: *** [plug] Error 1

how about some printf's (or cout's for you noobs)

As if printf's aren't for noobs. The Real Programmer puts the string length in EDX, the string in ECX, puts 1 in ECX to signify stdout, 4 in EAX to select the sys_write system call, and does an int 0x80.

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