"John J. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yeah, running 2.6.23-gentoo-r9 in vmplayer on XP. I was getting the same
> error till I read somewhere about trying the noapic option. Fired right
> up. Here's my grub.conf entry for the kernel in case it helps.

> title Gentoo Linux 2.6.23-r9
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /boot/kernel-2.6.23-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/sda3 noapic

Thanks... that addition doesn't help me here but as you've seen I'm
trying to run 2.6.27*.

Something I found on line may help you at some point... in the same
way you've used noapic some users have found doscsi to be helpful.
>From what I remember it causes any scsi scanning or loading to proceed

> If you'd like the .config even though it's a different kernel,
> just say so.

No, I have earlier kernels working 2.6.24-r8, but thanks for the

I just want to upgrade but there is really nothing I'm after in
a newer kernel.  However I would like to know if there is some change
since 2.6.24 that is making it so difficult to get a working config
for 2.6.27* because at some point I will need to upgrade.

I've successfully updated all other software on the vmware guest.

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