On 5/23/09, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is what I get with this command:
> r...@smoker / # emerge -ep system | grep python
> [ebuild   R   ] app-admin/python-updater-0.5
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r2
> r...@smoker / #
> So python is there if you do it emptytree.

emptytree pulls in *all* dependencies, regardless of whether they are
in the system set or even if they are just regular dependencies
(random packages) from an external overlay. So you're not comparing
apples to apples there with -e, you're getting lot of false positives
from outside the real system set.

It is still a good question why one would have any system set packages
having critical dependencies to non-system set packages, but reasoning
for that has to be asked from the portage devs ...

But backing up a little, try this instead for an amusement (remember
to --pretend or --ask):

~ # emerge -pvC python

>>> These are the packages that would be unmerged:

    selected: 2.5.4-r2
   protected: none
     omitted: none

>>> 'Selected' packages are slated for removal.
>>> 'Protected' and 'omitted' packages will not be removed.

~ # emerge -pvC binutils

>>> These are the packages that would be unmerged:

!!! 'sys-devel/binutils' is part of your system profile.
!!! Unmerging it may be damaging to your system.

    selected: 2.18-r3
   protected: none
     omitted: none

>>> 'Selected' packages are slated for removal.
>>> 'Protected' and 'omitted' packages will not be removed.

~ #

Note how binutils still is within the system set and gets the extra
warning, while python doesn't get the special system set warning with
the three exclamation marks? I.e., python *is no longer* in the system
set, probably removed by the very change I gave a link for in previous

AFAIK (haven't checked in portage code), buildsyspkg and such only
work with the packages explicitly mentioned in the system set, so
binutils is in, python is (nowadays) out -- and that probably explains
also what is happening on your smoker. :)

Anyone finding flaws in my theories or facts or observations that
outright nullify them? :)

Arttu V.

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