On Sun, 24 May 2009 11:07:13 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > Portage is not in system, only the virtual. That can be
> > satisfied by Paludis, which does not need Python.  
> Lucky for you, I know your sense of humour by now :-)
> Doesn't help portage users though, and portage is still the default
> package manager on Gentoo. I don't see that changing any time soon, if
> ever.
> Besides, unless you do it manually, you need portage to install
> paludis, right? Without python, you don't get paludis.
> Either way, it's a bug. portage supports inheriting multiple parent
> profiles. One approach would be to add a new collection of profiles in
> addition to the existing base/, default/ and targets/ - called say
> pkgmgr.

Is it really a bug? Postage is the default for the virtual and it depends
on python, so there is no need for python itself to be in @system. This
doesn't cause any problems except the one Dale mentions, which is that
FEATURES=buildsyspkg does not build a package for python. man make.conf
describes this option as "Build binary packages for just packages in the
system set. Which is accurate but maybe not the desired behaviour. The
option should really by to build packages for packages in @system and
their dependencies. Put another way, build all the packages necessary to
run "emerge -eK @system". 

I'd suggest filing an enhancement request on b.g.o.

Neil Bothwick

But I thought YOU did the backups...

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