On Tuesday 09 June 2009 15:04:54 Stroller wrote:
> On 9 Jun 2009, at 05:16, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> > Normally, portage will try fetching from GENTOO_MIRRORS during an
> > emerge and SRC_URI comes last.  I want to reverse this; try SRC_URI
> > first and if that fails, only then proceed to fetch from
> > GENTOO_MIRRORS.  Doable?
> This is undesirable behaviour - te mirrors exist because SRC_URI may
> often have limited bandwidth.
> The package's hosting may be donated to the software's author, for
> instance, by a 3rd party, so when you go directly to SRC_URI, avoiding
> mirrors, you wear out the author's welcome.
> Mirrors are hosted by people with gallons & gallons of bandwidth to
> spare, who expect you to use it.
> It makes sense to use the mirrors FIRST.


I have to beat users over the head (metaphorically) with a stick to get them 
to use my mirror. They somehow have the idea that SRC_URI has better quality 
bits than my ftp server...

By going to SRC_URI every time, they use up precious international bandwidth 
instead of local (of which there is heaps). Every six months, when Fedora or 
Ubuntu does a release, those users can saturate the entire pipe into this 
*country* - just to get isos that I already have publicly available and am 
begging them to use. 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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