On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Alexander
Pilipovsky<alexander.pilipov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But how many space on hard disk for it will be good?

This depends on your usage, of course, and for what purpose you expect
to use /var. If you run a server with lots of logs, like a
high-traffic web server, you may want to ensure /var/log is in a place
with enough room. I use logrotate to archive and compress log files so
they don't take up too much space. In my case I have my temp dir as
/var/tmp (i think this is the default location), so things like
ripping/encoding/burning a DVD image can use sometimes near 25G of
temp space. Portage will also use (again, as default) for its temp
dir, so any aborted compile sessions and giant packages like
OpenOffice will need sufficient space as well. KDE pixmap cache is
using 1.5G in my user's tmp directory alone. And of course portage
itself stores the packages cache there.

All of the above can be changed, of course, or links/mounted to
different drives/partitions....

I think the rule of thumb that applies is: calculate the greatest
amount of space you would ever realistically need and then double it.

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