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Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    I know this is WAY off topic for this list but there's a lot of
> smart, experienced people here so I figured I'd look for a little
> guidance and then possibly join another email list that's more
> appropriate.
>    These days I'm trading stock index futures for a living. I have
> data files that I analyze in Excel over the weekend to help me make
> decisions about how to trade the coming week, but I'm always fighting
> Excel as it really isn't intended for the sort of math I want to do.
> The math's not difficult, but I need to look at various ranges,
> manage, sort and extract data from arrays, and amd then create charts.
> This is getting pretty difficult in Excel these days so I've started
> to wonder about writing a simple app to do what I need to do. It's not
> generally difficult stuff but it requires (or I prefer) a lot of small
> charts. I'm vaguely familiar with C & Pascal, but haven't programmed
> in years. I don't know C++ at all. I was trained as an EE.
>    So the main question is what sort of language (and possibly
> programming environment) should a complete novice look at to get his
> feet wet with GUI programming. I'd like something fairly light -
> performance probably won't be a huge problem - that I could run under
> Cygwin or maybe compile to run native in Windows should that ever
> become useful. For now it's probably a relatively simple Linux app
> that I'd likely run once a week on Saturday morning on 15 to 20
> databases I collect on Friday night.
>    If you can recommend a good list or forum for silly folks like me -
> know nothing about programming and have to ask lots os stupid beginner
> questions - I'd greatly appreciate that also.

#friendly-coders on freenode is full of friendly people.

Depending on how much effort you are willing to put in, I would probably
suggest looking at some form of macro set for a spreadsheet (Excel and
OO Calc both use basic variants, Gnumeric has a python interpreter.)

Another possibility if you don't need much interactivity on the GUI
would be to create a script + C-mini-app using GnuPlot to generate your

Just a few thoughts...
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