> The very first thing to try is to change your /etc/conf.d/alsasound so
> that it has these two lines:
> # Deprecated options:
> # Upstream feels, and we wholehartedly agree, that this was a silly idea
> May not help, but that change should be made in any case.

Definitely related to alsa. I deleted alsasound from runlevel boot(why
does the doc insist on putting it there?) and it shutdown normally.
And why the huge raft of drivers for such simple hardware, just two
ports? My desktop has all the bells and whistles and doesn't use half
the drivers of the little netbook

UPDATE Just rebooted and ran lsmod. The modules with the string
'_hda_' in the middle are still loaded. Some of the others, like
'snd_mixer_oss,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_seq_device' are gone. Except
for 'snd_pcm, snd_timer, snd'; they're still loaded. The logic, if
any, of what's going on escapes me. If I turned off alsa in rc-update
why should it still load some of the modules. They're not it


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