> You have to hold down Alt, hold down Fn, hold down PrtSc, release Fn then
> press the command keys. If you keep Fn held down, U is seen as 4 etc.
>> How do I test it out? Must I induce a freeze somehow or can I just
>> apply it to a working rig?
> Press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to the first VC then press Alt-SysRq S. It
> should report "Emergency sync".

None of these maneuvers have any effect whatever. Except getting to
the first console.  Least that I can see.

BTW, when I try getting back to the X console, it's blank. Is this an
Xfce4 thing? I remember sysrescuecd which also uses Xfce4 had the same
bug/feature. I have to ctrl-c on the first console to get back to the
prompt so I can restart X.

FWIW  Prt Sc and Sys Rq are separate keys on this unit. They share
space with Ins and Del, respectively. Prt Sc and Sys Rq are printed in
blue and, I assume. are part of the 'fn' system.


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