I'm not that familiar with nfs usage ... only used lightly a few

I have an opensolaris nfs server serving a share to my gentoo box.

The mount point is set as owner:group  of my user (reader).

Also has the set-gid bit set.

ls -ld /projects
drwxr-sr-x 2 reader wheel 48 Jun 24 07:08 /projects

And the mount settings in /etc/fstab
(zfs is the hostname of the opensolaris server)

zfs:/projects   /projects    nfs   noauto,users,exec,dev     0 0

With those settings my user or root can mount it.

When its mounted the permissions change to this:

ls -ld /projects
drwxr-sr-x+ 13 reader man 14 Jul 25 09:47 /projects

Whats with the `man' group?

Also, when mounted I find when I try to copy somethihng with the -a
option, which tries to maintain any permission settings.  It causes an
error warning... (although the copy is done).

 cp -a file file1
  cp: preserving permissions for `file1': Operation not supported

And the files permissions end up:
 ls -l file*
-rw-r--r--+ 1 reader man    223962 Jul 26 15:56 file
-rw-r--r--+ 1 reader reader 223962 Jul 26 15:56 file1

Is there some way to set it up so that permissions can be copied?
Also to alow the set-gid setting to work?

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