On Thu, 8 Oct 2009 19:33:01 +0100, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk>
> On Thu, 08 Oct 2009 18:54:26 +0300, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> And it's usually quicker to type with backticks instead of $():
> But nowhere near as clear.
>> Note: not single-quotes ('), but backticks (`).  It's usually the key 
>> above TAB and to the left of 1.
> I rest my case :)
> Note you can also nest commands when using $(), which you can't do with
> backticks.

Note also that some languages and keyboard layouts don't favor the use of
the backticks for this case. In Spanish keyboards, this characters: `´^¨
are dead keys (I think that's the correct term, not 100% sure), which means
they don't print anything until you press another key. That means that to
write `foo` I have to actually type `[space]foo`[space], or at least
``foo`` (press the key twice). An in any case it's just a matter of tastes.
Besides that, $() is far clearer, and it allows you to do things like this:

echo $(ls -l $(which tar))

Just an useless example. That, you can't do with backticks.

Jesús Guerrero

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