Denis wrote:
>> He may also want to ask the question "Do I *really* need acroread?" and get
>> the full complete answer. In my experience very few people actually need all
>> the features in acroread, and okular|evince are quite adequate
> I am flexible on acroread, but acroread doesn't crash X - just gets a
> little backed up.  I am OK with that.
> But X crashing from my use of Mathematica is absolutely unacceptable -
> this is what I need for my work.  Before I upgraded to xorg-1.6 and
> libxcb-1.4, this *never* happened, not once, *in several years*, under
> extensive use, and I have been using the same Mathematica version all
> this time, 5.2.  So if downgrading X and libxcb is what I have to do
> to restore reliable operation of my machine with Mathematica, then
> this is what I am doing next.
> Let me ask this next:  is the downgrade of libxcb and xorg-server possible?

I have downgraded xorg-server before and it is not to bad.  Just mask
the current version and do a emerge -uvDNa world.  You may have to mask
a couple more packages but the error will tell you which ones they are. 
I was able to just mask the one tho. 

If you are using hal, you may have to reemerge the mouse and keyboard
drivers.  I find them using this:  equery list xf86-input  That should
list the drivers that need to be reemerged.  I have three.


:-)  :-) 

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