Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Saturday 24 October 2009 22:16:03 Dale wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm still using KDE 3.5 for this but this is annoying at times.  I'm
>> looking for a way to adjust the audio/video so that they sync up.  Mine
>> seems to be about 1.5 to 2 seconds out of adjustment here.  I googled
>> and found that the + and - keys should adjust this but I can't tell that
>> it is working here.  Is there some other way to adjust this setting?
>> I'm using kmplayer with mplayer for the backend.
> Are you sure the input file isn't broken? Does it happen with many files? 
> What 
> type of files?
> 2 seconds is a huge lag, much too big to explain as a mere bug, so I'd be 
> looking for other data to correlate first.

Well, it does vary by a bit.  Some are not quite so far off.  I did find
this little tidbit of info in 'console' under view.  This is interesting:

MPlayer SVN-r29463-4.4.1 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
Terminal type `unknown' is not defined.

libavformat file format detected.
[lavf] Video stream found, -vid 0
[lavf] Audio stream found, -aid 1
VIDEO:  [H264]  480x360  0bpp  29.917 fps  550.2 kbps (67.2 kbyte/s)
ID_FILENAME=/data/Movies/Movies/Clue Club 03 The Real Gone Gondola Pt 1.flv
[gl] using extended formats. Use -vo gl:nomanyfmts if playback fails.
Opening video filter: [pp=de]
Opening video filter: [scale]
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)
Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)
Selected audio codec: [faad] afm: faad (FAAD AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio))
FAAD: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s!
AO: [alsa] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 480 x 360 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[swscaler @ 0x8939540]using unscaled yuv420p -> rgb32 special converter
VO: [gl] 480x360 => 480x360 BGRA
X11 error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)

           **** Your system is too SLOW to play this!  ****

Possible reasons, problems, workarounds:
- Most common: broken/buggy _audio_ driver
  - Try -ao sdl or use the OSS emulation of ALSA.
  - Experiment with different values for -autosync, 30 is a good start.
- Slow video output
  - Try a different -vo driver (-vo help for a list) or try -framedrop!
- Slow CPU
  - Don't try to play a big DVD/DivX on a slow CPU! Try some of the
    e.g. -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all.
- Broken file
  - Try various combinations of -nobps -ni -forceidx -mc 0.
- Slow media (NFS/SMB mounts, DVD, VCD etc)
  - Try -cache 8192.
- Are you using -cache to play a non-interleaved AVI file?
  - Try -nocache.
Read DOCS/HTML/en/video.html for tuning/speedup tips.
If none of this helps you, read DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html.

So, my AMD 2500+ with 2GBs of ram is to slow?  I know this is a older
rig but surely it ain't that slow.  o_O

I also realized something else that may contribute to this a little.  I
started a emerge last night and thought it would be through by now. 
It's still running.  It's compiling OOo and some KDE stuff.  Could that
slow things down a bit?  Everything else seems to be responding fine.  I
have portage set to a lower nice level than my desktop.  I even have
ionice set. 



:-)  :-) 

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