On Tuesday 27 October 2009 01:31:27 Harry Putnam wrote:
> My profile has been
>     ../usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0
> starting an update system today I'm told my profile is depricated and
> to update to default/linux/x86/10.0
> I've forgotten about how this is done.  Is it just a matter of
>   ln -sf
>  /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/10.0 /etc/make.profile ?


> Or does it involve something like a major regrind of every package?


> A quick google with site:gentoo.org "change profile" shows dozens of
> hits in forum messages, but I didn't notice a HOWTO or concise
> walk-thru.

It's in the gentoo docs - remember that long thing you read when you installed 
gentoo the first time, and probably haven't read again? yes, that one :-)

All a profile does is specify some default standard packages for system, 
default USE flags and some other various bits and pieces. Once you have set 
your make.conf up the way you want, very little in the way of profile changes 
affect you.

If you find forum posts that go on about large re-emerges of world and other 
nonsense, well you should understand that such comments represent the average 
level of cluelessness of your average forum user and you should treat it as 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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