Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 October 2009 01:31:27 Harry Putnam wrote:
>> My profile has been
>>     ../usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0
>> starting an update system today I'm told my profile is depricated and
>> to update to default/linux/x86/10.0
>> I've forgotten about how this is done.  Is it just a matter of
>>   ln -sf
>>  /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/10.0 /etc/make.profile ?
> yes
>> Or does it involve something like a major regrind of every package?
> no
>> A quick google with "change profile" shows dozens of
>> hits in forum messages, but I didn't notice a HOWTO or concise
>> walk-thru.
> It's in the gentoo docs - remember that long thing you read when you 
> installed 
> gentoo the first time, and probably haven't read again? yes, that one :-)
> All a profile does is specify some default standard packages for system, 
> default USE flags and some other various bits and pieces. Once you have set 
> your make.conf up the way you want, very little in the way of profile changes 
> affect you.
> If you find forum posts that go on about large re-emerges of world and other 
> nonsense, well you should understand that such comments represent the average 
> level of cluelessness of your average forum user and you should treat it as 
> such

Yep, I synced the tree, did the profile change and I think I had like
two upgrades.  I'm pretty sure I would have had those even if I hadn't
changed the profile.

It is possible to have a lot of packages with changes but not to
likely.  I subscribe to -dev so I can see most of the screw-ups that are
headed my way.  Let's not get started on that hal and xorg-server thing
again tho.  That one surprised me for sure.


:-)  :-) 

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