Dale wrote:

I'm using layman to keep KDE 3.5 installed and have a question. I run eix-sync to sync my tree. From what I see, it appears it also syncs the layman part as well. Does it? This is what I see:

[0] "gentoo" /usr/portage/ (cache: metadata-flat) Reading 100% [1] "kde-sunset" /usr/local/portage/layman/kde-sunset (cache: parse|ebuild*#metadata-flat#assign)
    Reading 100%
I just want to make sure I am seeing this correctly.
I dont't think so. "eix-sync" runs an "eix-update" after "emerge --sync". It just rereads the overlay, without "layman -S" in advance. You have to do that manually.
While I am here, I plan to get rid of all the layman stuff when KDE 4 is ready enough for me to use. Do I just run layman -d all and unmerge layman? Does that get the job done?

Thanks much.


:-)  :-)

Maybe you want install kde4 first and then run "emerge --depclean" (after removing the overlay). In that way you had an backup if kde4 fails.


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