This is my etc/conf.d/net file:

modules=( "wpa_supplicant" )
preferred_aps=("ESSID1" "ESSID2")

All specific stuff is in /wpa_supplicant/supplicant.conf


On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 03:17:15 +0100, BRM <> wrote:

I have wireless working (b43legacy driver for the Dell Wireless Broadcom) through a static configuration in /etc/conf.d/net - basically:

config_MYWLAN=( "dhcp" )
preferred_APS= ( "myWLAN" )

I would like to use a tool like WPA Supplicant instead so I can have a more dynamic configuration. I've tried to setup WPA supplicant but haven't been able to get it to work.

My last attempt was with:

modules=( "wpa_supplicant" )

I also tried the iwconfig setup:

modules=( "iwconfig" )
iwconfig_wlan0="mode managed"

Both these were based on configurations I found while researching gentoo wireless configurations:

the wpa_supplicant man page possibly suggests uses "-Dbroadcom", but the following supports "-Dwext" since I have the b43legacy driver working (firmware extracted using b43-fwcutter a while back; dmesg reports version 0x127).

I have both the iwconfig utilities and wpa supplicant installed. When I used wpa supplicant with either configuration it would just keep searching.

Now, my wireless configuration is currently WEP; and I'd like to upgrade to WPA/WPA2 once I can get a wireless tool on the system as well.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong with the configuration above?

Also - what is the correct GUI for configuring connections under KDE4? I know of the WPA Supplicant GUI; and the GNOME GUI; but would like something under more directly KDE4.

KNemo just puts up monitors that are pretty useless (though look pretty).



P.S. It seems my Linksys WRT54G v3 needs a firmware update for WPA2. So right now, I'd just like to be able to configure dynamically for my WEP network; then I'll focus on going to WPA/WPA2.

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