On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 18:09:08 -0600, Dale wrote:

> In my opinion, the old portage was good, the new one is even better.  
> Now if the next version will prevent a person from borking their
> system, that would be heaven.  lol  You know, unmerge python and see
> what happens.  Yes, you can still unmerge python, even the only version
> you have left, and portage not say a darn thing.  It kills the heck out
> of portage tho. 

Portage gives you a big red warning if you try to do this, but it
doesn't, and shouldn't, try to stop you. What if you really want to
remove Python? Postage is not the only package manager, so python is not

Neil Bothwick

"Time is the best teacher....., unfortunately it kills all the students"

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