On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Dale<>  wrote:

I would like to configure my system so that every time I start mpd
(via /etc/init.d/mpd)  mpdscrible is started as well. What is the best
way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance,

I found this by looking in the cups init script.  It should help.

depend() {
    use net
    need avahi-daemon dbus
    before nfs
    after logger
Thanks Dale.

I've tried putting "after mpdscribble"  without success. Also the
problem with this approach is that if I update mpd, I will have to
modify the init script again.

It will likely overwrite your changes but I have no other ideas on how to do this. I would imagine that the script is the only thing that can do it since it is what starts/stops the service.

Maybe someone else will have a idea.


:-)  :-)

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