On 22 Mar 2010, at 22:09, Alan McKinnon wrote:
There is nothing unfair about this. No vendor has a *duty* so sell you what you want and they cannot be forced to. Microsoft does not enforce that vendors sell Windows-only machines (and they proved as such to the
relevant Commission). ...

Well you I'll have to agree with you that it's not unfiar or anything else as such. I do however think that it would be benefitial to the consumer if the market was more open than it's current state. That being said we do
have the option to buy costumized computers without the MS tax.

It's not all dark in this tunnel. There is light at the end, and no, it's not
the train's headlights ;-)

Customer demand is still the best way to get providers to change their
offerings. We who want OS-less machines, or machines with Linux, might be few
today, but that doesn't have to be true for tomorrow.

The problem is that manufacturers subsidise the cost of the PC by preinstalling junk on them.

They install Norton or McAfee anti-virus with a "free" 3 month subscription, because Norton or McAfee give them a kickback. I would imagine this is in the region of $10 - $20. They install desktop shortcuts to eBay, to Big Fish Games (or whatever it's called) set the browser's homepage and the default search shows more ads than useful results. They probably get a penny a click on those, but over the lifetime of a computer, this can add up.

In all I wouldn't be surprised if the crapware on a new PC pays more than the Windows license costs the manufacturer. Selling PCs with a blank hard-drive would cost them money, therefore! The cost of porting browser toolbars and "search redirect" hijackers to enable them to sell Linux-based PCs is just not worth the effort, and a Linux user is more likely to uninstall them, anyway.

Manufacturers accept that some of the PCs they sell will have Windows wiped and Linux installed, but they don't have to like or encourage it. :(

I very much dislike Microsoft's abuse of its monopoly position, but I don't have any easy answers right now.


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